
Details |
Cluster I:
Co-ordinating activities
The co-ordinating activities constitute the basic and central work
packages of ENBI to make sure that the collation and dissemination
of biodiversity information and expertise in Europe is well
organized, and is placed in an appropriate legal and financial
context. These activities may not finish after the life time of
this EU Thematic Network. Mechanisms are developed to support the
continued involvement of the ENBI members and end-users, and of
relevant Member State and EU bodies, with the objective to promote
continuity and sustainability of
the network.
Cluster II: Maintenance, enhancement and presentation of
biodiversity databases
Biodiversity datasets are fragmented and dispersed in
heterogeneous systems established by diverse organisations. A
number of horizontal aggregations and interoperable systems have
already been started by the EC and others, but there remains a
major need for co-ordination and standards for content, and the
creation of a common access system that may bring all together
with vertical integration in a European gateway. It is against
this background that ENBI starts to co-ordinate common access to
the various layers of knowledge, to assist with data standards
within these layers, and to assess and plan remedies for both gaps
and disparities in coverage for all organisms. As in other areas,
it is important that ENBI uses and builds on what is already being
done at the European level. Each work package deals with issues
within the database layer, such as assessing coverage of
organisms, evolving data standards and 'best practice' for
management, strategies for sustainable enhancement, and the
remedying of gaps and disparities. They also deal with horizontal
integration, calling on assistance from work packages 8, 9 and 10
(cluster III) in pilot projects, and building on existing projects
to create a common access for the layer. Cluster II brings
together the main players in three fundamental layers of
Cluster III: Data integration, interoperability and analysis
The work plan aims to promote the exchange of knowledge, know-how
and ideas that are currently available and to achieve a common
code of practice, (meta) data standards and generic communication
protocols to facilitate access to, and interoperability between,
various 'layers' of biodiversity information sources on the
Internet. Since the amount and variety of data stored and managed
within the bio-diversity community is very large, and since IT
tools for analysis, identification and geographic presentation
require computationally-intensive processing, the demands for
performance, robustness and scalability for the communication
framework and ICT facilities are high. The work in cluster III
deals with generic applications of information and communication
technologies enabling Internet access to the network of
biodiversity databases and tool providers in the framework of the
desired interoperable functionality and direct practical use of
the information (analysis, information products and services).
Cluster IV: Products and e-services
The work plan is focused on user needs, and on making European
biodiversity information available for the end-users. The users
include government agencies, decision makers, legislators,
scientists, companies, and citizens. Also non-European users are
very dependent on access to European information, because many
data in European repositories originate from non-European (often
developing) countries. Understanding the needs of all these kinds
of users is paramount for the dissemination of biodiversity
knowledge resources, and common access, with attention to
multi-lingual access (WP 11), is a key issue.


European Network for
Biodiversity Information

Information Facility

FishBase: A
Global Information System on Fishes

Expert Center for
Taxonomic Identification

Catalogue of Life

Biodiversity and
Biological Collections

Convention on
Biological Biodiversity